lǐ yù
李 钰

Listening Practice
Listening Practice is a playable sound installation consisting of a set of cassettes with a player. The sound consists pronunciations from the talking parrot - Einstein (sourced from the internet) categorized into units such as foods, greetings, compliments, animals, blames, and instructions. The work maps out the power relationship between parrot and its owner. The cassette format is used as a vehicle for the transformation of the parrot's rights in relation to the human subject of the audience. Listening practice continues the artist's political exploration based upon linguistics. Regarding parrot as a metaphor, this work looks into the process of receiving, assimilating and internalizing information and expressing ideas as they occur towards individuals within the society. The cassette tape was a common tool for beginner English learners between 1990s and 2000s. Teaching tools is a emerging central element in the artist's recent work. This work also contemplates the hierarchical relationship between English and the outsider.